
Şubat, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

What Did I Learn From Pinocchio As I Approached 30?

 Many of us may have known Pinocchio before learning how to read and write. Pinocchio, the wooden child whose nose grows as he lies. Pinocchio was one of the first books we read after learning to read. Do you remember reading Pinocchio as an adult? Have you seen the animated film recently? Like I guess. I recently watched Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro on Netflix and took notes that I want to share with you.  After a children's story-writing workshop, I attended last month, I learned that being away from the world of children does not mean adulthood and that returning from time to time and letting ourselves to this world can help to renew. After this event, I couldn't ignore Pinocchio's movie when it appeared on Netflix. If I may remind you, Guiseppe is a carpenter and a man left alone in this world with his son. His son is inauspiciously passing from this world before he even reaches draft age. Giuseppe was devastated by his loss. He made a wooden boy toy. When he makes a