
Aralık, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

How Do I Welcoming 2023?

  A great start to the new year: it is Sunday. Waking up unruffled, drinking a glass of water, washing my face,  taking a walk in the park, coming home and taking a hot shower before breakfast. Sounds great. I pick an empty notebook for journalling in 2023.  I want to start my new year full of gratitude for 2022. A lot of things happened! I'm picking my words carefully. I do not feel regret about my mistakes in 2022. I took lessons. I got therapy to find my way easily. I drew a path for myself. Now, my friend, If you want to fresh start in the new year, I would like you to accompany me. Pick a notebook. Mine has no image of 2023. It is little, tiny and also has a nice bind around itself.  If you're ready, let's fill it with gratitude.  "I am grateful for making the effort to create my own path." "I am grateful to start exercising with a trainer." "I am grateful to learn not to blame myself in my relationships." They are some examples to enli

The Proven Fact: Exercise

I start my new article by bringing to mind that I practice no scientific practice, I am not a scientist, nor they are all that the therapist said. I allow my own 'being in a better mood' journey to increase my limits of discovery, and I want to share that with others who have been on the same path as me.  This journey begins with truly wanting this journey. And embarking on an adventure isn't just about collecting images or gifts. Research, learning and using what has been learned is the necessity of this adventure. I accept the learning and what will bring that journey into my life. I will be linking the supporting resources or you can find them at the bottom of the article. Today's topic is relevant with some facts. (*) For oneself, my favourite thing is to listen to nature and the environment. When I go to a beach, I like to lie down under the sun and listen to the sound of the sea, the flight of the birds and the sounds of the stones. Those are little but enjoyable

How Do People Find Things to Laugh?

  Hi there, I hope you are all feeling better than yesterday. I’m wishing it because all we know is that If I’m good today there is no guarantee I will be happy tomorrow. But If I’m feeling broken down today I will be in same place tomorrow. This is how anxiety and depression affect you, unfortunately.  But we are here to feel fine in spite of the world.  I'm at a point where I have drained away. Working is not interesting, family, and food are not interesting, and even the desire to sleep loses its appeal. How can people laugh? How does life make you contented? So why don't I feel the same? Life is sombre. There is no hope anywhere. Everything is shrouded in a mannered moonlight. Do not worry because all we were in the same place.  I don't guarantee that this sentence makes you feel contented but If you are looking to be pleased keep going reading, please. Darkness has some lights in the life by me Yesterday, I joined a party at the office. In fact, when I woke up I was fe

Searching for the Answer to 'How Can I Be Better?'

  We found ourselves trying to keep up with the speed of this age, while the age we live in has to keep up with us. We can access information and education more reasonably and easily. In the time we want to improve ourselves, skip a class, and rise, we are getting away from our souls' step by step.  During the day, we begin to deal with minor tantrums, disappointments, and feelings of not being able to achieve. Things are starting to evolve in a direction we cannot control. Nobody stops time. Might be we choose to stop ourselves, or maybe we don't. We're starting to stagger. When we want to take a step, we gonna trip and fall. Finally, we begin to ask things from other angles. Bingo! We see that the things we think we can reach are missing us. There are things we slip through our fingers, and there are times we forgot to live. We have forgotten that we are human, that we are not lifeless. We want to find where we got lost and fix it. We are struggling, we do not hesitate to