How Do People Find Things to Laugh?


Hi there,

I hope you are all feeling better than yesterday. I’m wishing it because all we know is that If I’m good today there is no guarantee I will be happy tomorrow. But If I’m feeling broken down today I will be in same place tomorrow. This is how anxiety and depression affect you, unfortunately. 

But we are here to feel fine in spite of the world. 

I'm at a point where I have drained away. Working is not interesting, family, and food are not interesting, and even the desire to sleep loses its appeal. How can people laugh? How does life make you contented? So why don't I feel the same? Life is sombre. There is no hope anywhere. Everything is shrouded in a mannered moonlight.

Do not worry because all we were in the same place.  I don't guarantee that this sentence makes you feel contented but If you are looking to be pleased keep going reading, please.

Darkness has some lights in the life by me

Yesterday, I joined a party at the office. In fact, when I woke up I was feeling despondent about my relationship and my new year goals. But I had to go office for work and later we need to celebrate the new year together. I did make-up and wear nice because I thought there is invited approximately 300 people at that party and I need to look nice. I went to the office first and my boss and senior are at there and quickly we started work. That work took a lot of hours from us and we realize it was already mid-break time for lunch. We had it and turn back to the office rapidly. When the clock shows it was already party time other teammates came and help us stop work and we went to the party area, eating, dancing, and chit-chatting I forgot all my conscious thoughts until the singers started to sing an unruffled love song. I lean at the office table for a while. I realized again how working makes me feel think less! I realized one more time how society makes me feel think less. I had suggested you a documentary and if you’re gonna watch you see that one of Stutz’s tools says people and sociability how to help our depression. It is not the end. I’ll continue with after party.

All we need is just watch a documentary? Absolutely not. Here is a great example from Quran: “…So when you have finished (your duties), then stand up for next…” (*) also connected with these tools. The message is the same in every wise thought: If you just stay and focus on thinking it takes you deep down. 

Remember your morning. You wake up with got angry with him. You’re wearing your clothes or make-up and just focus on the things that made you unglamorous. But you start hard work, you try to have fun with your colleagues makes you think less. Your brain just lives in that moment. Is it familiar, right? MINDFULNESS. Live at the moment. If you're drinking water just focus on it. If you're heading to sleep focus on sleep. 

It seems I jump from topic to topic but actually, these terms are relevant to our having a healthy soul journey. However, this article related to society and finding things in society. 

People find things to laugh about because they are enjoying the moment. I feel that anything is not worth being happy about because that's how I think. But knowingly or not, I have allowed the entertainment, the society, to accept me. And I saw that I could be gleeful until I had a chance to stop and overthink. It's just what I needed. I did not allow overthinking and pessimism to tire me, but rather to let society and events flowing through time tire me. I was able to smile too.

I hope this article helps a little bit to you and touches your heart. Never forget that if you want to find things to be better than yesterday, just let it go into you.

For our better selves,

(*) Look at the HOLY QURAN 94/7 is resource.


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