The Proven Fact: Exercise

I start my new article by bringing to mind that I practice no scientific practice, I am not a scientist, nor they are all that the therapist said. I allow my own 'being in a better mood' journey to increase my limits of discovery, and I want to share that with others who have been on the same path as me. 

This journey begins with truly wanting this journey. And embarking on an adventure isn't just about collecting images or gifts. Research, learning and using what has been learned is the necessity of this adventure. I accept the learning and what will bring that journey into my life.

I will be linking the supporting resources or you can find them at the bottom of the article.
Today's topic is relevant with some facts. (*)

For oneself, my favourite thing is to listen to nature and the environment. When I go to a beach, I like to lie down under the sun and listen to the sound of the sea, the flight of the birds and the sounds of the stones.

Those are little but enjoyable things in life. But If you're not able to go to any beach near your home, it flees to luxury. Luxury means reaching hard to be better and feeling healthy. And this is not what we are looking for. We want to have stable mental health almost every day and reach easily to things which make us happy. 

To get to the main point, we are made up of a body and a soul. While the pain we feel when we hit the door with our toe is physical, when our eyes are filled with a word from someone we care about, it expresses inner pain. Both are part of us. It would not be right to ignore one and stay for the other to get better. We may not be aware of it when we suffer from anxiety and various discomforts. But we must keep this in mind in our journey to well-being.

This does not represent luxury. We're talking about a brief morning/evening walk in your neighbourhood. We're talking about a walk in a small park close to your house, with headphones in your ear.

Also, it doesn't mean you have to exercise on this journey. Of course not, only studies show it to be effective and if you're willing to exercise I'm trying to tell you that it is really reinforcing! It's worth to effort dear friend. 

In this article, I'm not forcing anyone to walking outside. If you're like to skip a rope on your balcony, it's acceptable. If you're like to lift weights do it for yourself. There is an important question at this phase. Do I pay for it? The answer is yes. If you think that it is easy to say yes for me, no it is not. I cannot say which city I live but believe me, I had a tough process for keep going with exercising.

During the therapy process, instead of going to a gym because I thought it would harm my financial situation, I completed the August-September month with started to value my own body by doing pilates at home after walking every other day. In the process, I hurt my leg, I hurt my back. After losing about three kilos, I stopped exercising at home. However, I again observed an excessive increase in appetite. When I started to gain weight, I realized that it was unnecessary to restrict myself and started doing pilates in a salon with a trainer. I've already completed it a month! I learned that I have lordosis, and we treat oedema on my feet, I admit that working at a desk is more comfortable than before.

You remember, I should go back to my inspiration for this blog: the Stutz documentary. I do not prefer to explain every tool of his but if you are caring, check his therapeutic tools in the documentary.

You will see, if you want to achieve anxiety and depression connection with people and your body will be a helper.

I think I don't have anything to say for now. I'm gonna put some of the articles at the bottom. Read, search and comment, please!

Take care of yourself,



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