How Do I Welcoming 2023?

 A great start to the new year: it is Sunday. Waking up unruffled, drinking a glass of water, washing my face,  taking a walk in the park, coming home and taking a hot shower before breakfast. Sounds great. I pick an empty notebook for journalling in 2023. 

I want to start my new year full of gratitude for 2022. A lot of things happened! I'm picking my words carefully. I do not feel regret about my mistakes in 2022. I took lessons. I got therapy to find my way easily. I drew a path for myself.

Now, my friend, If you want to fresh start in the new year, I would like you to accompany me. Pick a notebook. Mine has no image of 2023. It is little, tiny and also has a nice bind around itself. 

If you're ready, let's fill it with gratitude. 

"I am grateful for making the effort to create my own path."

"I am grateful to start exercising with a trainer."

"I am grateful to learn not to blame myself in my relationships."

They are some examples to enlighten us. You should add all of your thankfulness.

I have often seen in life advisings or in therapy,  writing or journalling is highly recommended. As I experienced writing, I felt my soul get calm. I realized that as I wrote down my thoughts, my anger and my sadness, I tended to think more about them, try to solve them and calm down.

That's why I wanted to start the new year by writing. I thought it would be good to write my gratitude for the previous year in order to spend a more positive, healthier and peaceful year. This is the best I can do right now.

Did you finish your gratitude? Me too! So let's continue with the next step.

What kind of year I wanna live at 2023?

Peaceful, mindful, grateful, cheerful, enduring, diligent, strong, wealthy, healthy, unconcerned... Maybe I want to have all of them. The key is knowing that every emotion is a visitor. We cannot keep all of them. Someday we're gonna feel regretted, get steamed up, sob...

First, let's face it with all the emotions. Accept it. Later turn back to decide what you want to be. 

My notebook is still open. I'm starting a new page to approve all the emotions and I write which ones I will accept more as visitors. Let's write at the same time, together.

Now I'm closing my book and decide to close my eyes too. All my gratitude crosses my mind. All my acceptable emotions cross my mind. The feelings I want to experience most cross my mind. I felt all of them. I lived them for a minute. Now I'm opening my eyes with a warm smile. Do you see? I start to new year happy. All of us.

Thank you to come along with me!

Take care of yourself,



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