Lessons from Orchids

 Would you think we get answer from a potted plant when we were searching for the idea of finding a way in our lives? I thought so.

 Today's topic is orchids. Many people believe that the orchid was the first flower to bloom on Earth, that it will bloom if it likes where it is, and that orchids can only yield under certain conditions. It is really difficult to care for because you don't only have to take good care of the orchid for it to bloom. We know it's not a talking creature, but it's pretty coy. If the conditions are right for the orchids, they will bloom. It blooms wherever it pleases and doesn't care what you give it. It is obstinate.

 Orchids are incredibly lovely. You may not share my interest, but I have always found it fascinating. white, violet, and blue I haven't yet met a blue orchid. Purple and white have both been in my nearness. 

 I am always fascinated by the orchids without knowing who their owner was. But there is one who taught me a great lesson. It embarrassed me—a purple orchid.

 The kitchen area in the office where I work has floor-to-ceiling windows. There are a lot of plants here, most of which are small bonsai or succulents, which are frequently given as gifts for starting new jobs. The majority of employee plants are placed in front of the window so they can benefit from the sunlight and air contact when the windows are opened. A few months ago, I saw someone place their orchid there. It lacked flowers, and as time went on, the branches also dried out. I'm not sure which seasons give rise to which orchids. However, if there is one thing I am certain of, it is that those orchids do not receive direct sunlight. If I knew who owned it, I would inquire as to why you thought this creature deserving of exposure to the sun.

 When I saw the orchid pot, it hurt, but I was helpless to defend something that wasn't mine. I've always said that this is how life is; occasionally, people expect you to speak their language, meet their needs, and raise them in an environment that is not your own.

 When winter finally arrived, I made the decision to take a day off from work to avoid the discomfort of standing outside in the cold waiting for public transportation. This week, the necessity of going to the office persuaded me after a busy week. I packed my lunch and stepped outside. When it came time for lunch, I immediately ate what was in the box and went to my desk after leaving the lunchbox in the kitchen. I was starving!

 Then there came a time when I went to the kitchen to get water. In the afternoon the sun was shining on the kitchen. There was only one thing that stood out in that brilliance. Orchid with purple flowers 😊 I was fascinated by its beauty, I was embarrassed when it opened even I though it wouldn't bloom here. I'm close. I stared. Three full blooms were smiling, and two are waiting to sprinkle, so there are 5 blossoms to enchant.

 Wow! Of course, just because we love the circumstances in which a living thing will develop does not indicate that it wants those same circumstances. This well-known coy creature shouldn't have surprised anyone, in my opinion. I'm not sure if there were orchids that liked glass. Although I haven't done any research on it yet, I had a thought on the way home:

 The home we were born in has an impact on every one of us. Parents inevitably give their kids shape. Of course, the environment a child grows up in also has an impact on him. This development and growth are, in a sense, moving forward through interaction.

 Even though they sometimes see, these. This child will become a lawyer; he cannot be an artist. Despite the fact that he is interestey refud in art, he neglects it in order to please his family. There are young people and kids who are stubborn. Actually, I don't support stubbornness. However, some people are self-aware and succeed with it. It resembles a purple orchid with five flowers. He is aware of his productive areas. The window edge is rumored to be bad for him, and possibly bad for everyone in his family. The five-flowered, however, are aware of its blooming with direct sun.

 I'm getting close to 30. I was a person who struggled to choose a location that would benefit me. I'm still looking. I am aware of the location where I will yield a good yield, but it is challenging to settle. I make an effort to calm down without being obstinate or hurried.

 We can discover who we are and find the opportunity to express it effectively, I hope, dear reader.

 Let's plant lovely flowers in gorgeous nooks. But let's be happier than those who observe and listen.




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