
Ocak, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Winter Diseases' Effects on Our Thoughts

  Nowadays, I hear complaints that January is not over yet. Yes, January is not satisfied with itself. Europe is waiting to see snow. January does not want to go without showing its snowy face.  It quickly makes you ill if it is sunny one day and windy the next.  The flu also underwent a type change following the contagious illness of 2019. Even if there is no lung damage, the flu is painful, the throat is burning, and it lasts very long.  This is where the article begins. Body aches and our general wellbeing are growing combined, right? I don't believe it is healthy.  My entire body is aching, both inside and out. I am unable to hold even a glass of water. I can't easily turn into bed. I puff a lot. Of course, it has an affect on how I feel.  So,  how can I struggle with it?   To be honest, I cannot.   I once did not get a day off from work and forced myself to work. I wanted to put it aside and focus on my work. But in the end, it just caused frustration. I made mistakes with

Lessons from Orchids

 Would you think we get answer from a potted plant when we were searching for the idea of finding a way in our lives? I thought so.  Today's topic is orchids. Many people believe that the orchid was the first flower to bloom on Earth, that it will bloom if it likes where it is, and that orchids can only yield under certain conditions. It is really difficult to care for because you don't only have to take good care of the orchid for it to bloom. We know it's not a talking creature, but it's pretty coy. If the conditions are right for the orchids, they will bloom. It blooms wherever it pleases and doesn't care what you give it. It is obstinate.  Orchids are incredibly lovely. You may not share my interest, but I have always found it fascinating. white, violet, and blue I haven't yet met a blue orchid. Purple and white have both been in my nearness.   I am always fascinated by the orchids without knowing who their owner was. But there is one who taught me a great l

Whenever I Need, Art Helps Me

 I was at college and struggling with some problems. My friends told me that there is one thing I enjoy doing: painting. Why am I not starting to paint? Yes, I had distanced myself mentally from painting. I thought I have no talent or time for hobbies.  I made a decision one day to start. I purchased a book and a set of watercolors. I looked for simple painting concepts, fashion and animal paintings, and later I colored tiny images.  Some days, I desired to paint something I saw, so I got my brush for it and returned to my chair. I only had one brush then. I'll never forget a memory. It was that my housemates, who are always my supporters, were outside. They came and gave me two brushes. They are my favourite gifts ever received! I only remember the smiles on my friends' faces. They were happy to see that I am going to be better. I believe I cried at that time. With the pandemic and the new global crisis, jobless days began soon after graduation. My parents were at home dealing

Cheers to Your Existence!

  Hi, it's Mercury! Today we honor the world's greatest existence. The reason for who I am. the mother. The Capricorn Queen. Those who never get along but are sympathetic to each other's emotions. When I look at you, I'm ruminating. We evolved together. We're all growing up together. I colored my mood trackers with love and happiness. I'm forgetting our wounds today. We are not required to remember them. The day is all about eating cakes, getting together, laughing, and documenting our experiences. When I walk into this house, I hide my work worries, anxiety, and stress beneath my coat. I'm with my siblings, cousins, and other family members. My heart keeps love close to me. Family means a lot. It is both divine and prejudicial. How did your mental habits start? How did you decide to be different? There is both love and hurt. It changes from family to family. We all know everything is tight to the family.  I am not passing judgment on anyone. Today is a day

Let Yourself Being Anxious

 When I'm writing this post, I'm assuming that most of us work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in offices or hybrids.  Today, I worked harder to complete my daily tasks. I've run out of battery. I don't feel strong enough to exercise. I couldn't eat well and so cannot go outside. The weather is too frigid, the sky will be dark and almost rainy, and I'm walking to the pilates studio!  When I arrive, my trainer is also on the call with some issues. When she was finished, I told her that I was extremely exhausted and depressed today. I ate less and don't want to overdo it. Luckily, her attention is not on me so I sit cross-legged and work my arms. After all, my arms need to be stronger.   Finally, I completed my exercise. She also included some leg workouts. I stepped outside to go home. I concluded that I deserved to be anxious today. I worked a lot, and I got some awful news from some of our customers, and some of our work is going to be more challenging than we though

How Is Fit in Society Helping to Well-being?

 I've had a rough few days. I made an effort to reduce my anxiety by repeating words some of the recent affirmations I had written . I assume it doesn't really help because some issues continued all day. I was tired as a result of the struggle, and I had deep sleep with a variety of dream scenarios.  My parents' close friends were invited yesterday. Delicious cakes and bagels were cooked by us. We were fully prepared. When they arrived at around six o'clock, the parents' conversation turned solemn and dinner started to take place. They also have a daughter who is seven years old and the same age as my sibling. So we're both concerned with making her happy. I had fun playing some old games and coloring book with a Harry Potter theme.  I once paused and looked at them. My grandparents, my parents, that couple, their daughters, and my siblings. We're all having chats. We were talking, laughing, and often changing conversation partners. What a great spot to be w

How Do I Handle With Felt Down?

I got up from my bed. Just about time to get to work. I'm not sure when I put it off. I quickly made my way to the restroom, took a drink of water, got ready, and set my chair. I had no idea why I slept so much. This is all I need to get my day off to a bad start. If there is negativity, it will persist all day. Things that depress you overlap. At 10 am, a meeting began. When it was finally over, another colleague quickly pulled you aside for another issue, it continued... How do I handle a string of difficult conditions? Will I have time to do breathing exercises when I have so much work? No, but I stop for a few seconds to cry before turning off my microphone. Finally, the work is finished. I'm too worn out. I return to my negative thoughts. I am aware that moods and emotions change, but I still find it difficult to deal with difficult circumstances. My first decision was to exercise. I didn't put in more effort. I just took it easy and baby-stepped. It nearly took 50 min

Self-Criticalness: Why My Wishes Not Come True in 2022 while Came True in 2021?

 Here we are on the second day of the year. A new chapter, clean and empty. I'm reminiscing on the last year. What did I achieve? I also looked back at the previous year. I'm comparing them. I became aware of my actions.  Starting a new year is not comparable to completing a year. I have some goals that are relevant to my life. Let's pick your journal now. This time, we're going to write lessons from the last two years. If you're prepared.  Returning to 2021. We were in the midst of the pandemic. I did not have a job. I've kept myself responsible and I also had some familial issues. One day, I received a call from my cousin inviting me. I wasn't eager for it, but I finally went to her. Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't enjoy watching television shows or movies. She searched for a documentary on Netflix after logging in. We found "The Secret" since it seemed charming. I had no idea I needed it at that moment.  I remember that my mother